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Houkeai Nation
Transportation Department

Secretary of Transportation
Paul Viles serves as the Secretary of Transportation, overseeing registration and licensing of vehicles, aircraft, boats, and operators. A retired official from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Mr. Viles is currently spearheading a project aimed at integrating tribal vehicle and operator licenses with the Department of Justice's "INLETS" (Indian Nations Law Enforcement Telecommunications System). This modernization initiative is set to streamline the vehicle registration process and establish standardized operator licensing across the clans, bands, and tribes of the Confederation.
Divisions of the DOT


Alicia Johnson-Begay, Division Chief















Registered Houkeai Nation Citizens are eligible for two sets of personal vehicle license tags, without charge or fee, for non-commercial vehicles. These vehicles may be passenger cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, vans, or trailers. 


Commercial vehicles are likewise eligible for issuance of Nation license tags provided that the vehicle is owned by a registered Nation member, or, a business chartered by the Nation (corporations, LLC's, PLLC's, non-profits, etc.).


Commercial registrations incur a small, one-time processing and issuance fee of $55.00/vehicle. All Nation tags are issued on a permanent basis and are not subject to annual usage or licensure charges. Replacement tags are, however, required to be paid for. The current fee for replacing a lost registration certificate in $5.00; the fee for replacing a lost or damaged plate (tag) is $13.00.


Applications for vehicle registration are processed through your local clan, band or tribal office. 


Operator licenses are likewise available to qualified applicants. Only registered National citizens may apply. You must have a Houkeai Operator License to drive or operate a vehicle with a Houkeai license plate. If you have been suspended or revoked by any other licensing authority at any time within the next two years preceding your application for a Houkeai Operator License, you may be ineligible for licensure. If you have been suspended or revoked you will have to file a Special Circumstances Petition with the Office of Driver Control in order to be considered for a Houleai Operator License. You do not have to surrender any other license if you receive a Houkeai license, but, you must report any adverse license action, suspension or revocation to the Motor Vehicle Division within ten (10) days of receiving same. Please see our web page for further information about licenses.

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